Friday, March 14, 2008

Class Schedule Revisions!

Classes taught by Liz Miller CDA

Wednesday 10am - 12:30p

Mar 12, 26, & 4/2 Ocean with Kids

Apr 9, 16, 23, & 5/7 Portrait Class from your photo

Register & bring in your photo by 3/20!

May 14, 21, & 6/4 Ros Stallcup designed Pottery Pitcher

Wednesday 1:30p - 4p

Feb 27, 3/5, 12, & 19Tulips in Jar

Apr 2, 9, 16, & 23 Fruit Cocktail. An awesome Barb Watson MDA design

May 7, 14, & 21 Tiger. Check out this wonderful design by Glenice Moore in Paint Works, April 2008

Wednesday 6:30p - 9p

Mar 12, 19, 2, & 9 Harbor Scene

Apr 16, & 23 Cat in the Fish Bowl. A wonderful Peggy Harris design!

May 7, 14, & 21 Shell Beach, a delightful JoSonja design.

Cary Tuesday 6:15p - 8:30p

Mar 11, 4/1, 8, & 15 Mountain with Deer

April 22, 5/6, & 13 Ocean with Kids, we'll personalize!

Register for classes at least 1 week in advance!


Have you wondered if you would enjoy decorative painting? Or do you just want to express yourself creatively and artistically while meeting some great new friends? By the end of the class you will have painted a great design and hopefully be inspired to continue painting.
No experience is needed!
Although our experienced painters enjoy these classes too.
All supplies included.

Friday classes are for adults & kids 8yrs & up.
Great for home schooling!

Register at least 1 week prior to class.

Fee due at registration

Apr 11 10a - 12:30p or 6p - 8:30p Bowl of Berries. Lots of fun techniques for painting easy berries in a bowl.

May 9 10a - 12:30p or 6p - 8:30p May Surprise!


March 29 Leaf Study

A must have class to increase your skills in acrylics, brush care, and techniques for painting realistic leaves.

May 24 Batik: Cat Nap, a Kathie George design.

This sleepy cat curled up in a chair is a great batik design to become familiar with the techniques. A fun and relaxing painting.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Missed Getting In A Class?

We need your help! Remember to register for classes at least one week before the first class. The instructor needs time to prepare for you and make sure you have your prep instructions. And if the instructor doesn't know that you plan to attend, the class could even be canceled or she might not have a seat for you. Sometimes you just don't know in advance, but if possible please help us out by planning ahead.

Do you know about the class interest sheets on the wall? If you are interested in an upcoming class, please add your name to the interest sheet. It helps the teacher plan for class.

We love to share our painting knowledge with you and want to have great classes for you to enjoy.

New Wood Order Just In!

We have just received a new shipment of wood painting surfaces from Leon at In The Barn Wood Design. And you know what an excellent job he does with woodworking. Come shop!

Here is a peak at some of the new designs.

And the Ronnie Bringle seminar wood surface for the Santa is at the studio. Be sure to let Liz know if you wanted one.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Painting with Ginger

Here is just a sampling of our fun with Ginger.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Designing with Shabby Cottage Studio Papers

What beautifully designed sketch books the students created using the papers from my friend Gail Schnidt at Shabby Cottage Studio! And we sure did have fun.

Ginger Edwards Was Here!

We had a fun time with Ginger again this year. Our Girl's Night Out was a big success and we've picked up some new hobbies, needle felting and painting on dominoes. There'll soon be a shortage of dominoes locally! And we loved the ease of the needle felted roses.

We learned lots in our seminar as Ginger stretched us to grasp new techniques. Wait till you see our beautiful paintings. But it wasn't all work. We had lots of fun too.

And we're making plans for next year.