Monday, September 20, 2010
What's Happening at Artful Endeavors
We've begun our start classes and although small, the students enjoyed the special attention and painted wonderfully as you can see. We're looking forward to the next classes.
Dianne Wooldridge brought in her Star Gazer Santa box for us to see. Her husband is the wood worker for this beautiful box.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Liz’s notes:
Be sure to check out our schedule changes. Since we’ve selected projects to paint this fall, student’s interests have changed or the painters who asked for the projects are not here to paint. I want to be sure that I am offering painting projects that you are interested in painting so I need your help in planning. I want to have samples for you to see, but I also need to paint samples for projects that you actually want to paint.
Be sure to add your name to classes on the interest sheets so that I know which projects you are interested in. Of you can email me and I’ll add you to the lists.
Note the Oldies but Goodies paintings that we are bringing back. Many of you have not had the opportunity to paint some of our favorite projects so here they are again. Just for you. We have 2 delightful Helan Barrick paintings on the schedule right now. Bringing Home the Tree starts soon so be sure to register now. I have prep ready for you.
Please help us spread the word about our one time, START, classes. We need to bring in new painters to keep our classes going. These classes are a great way for them to try out painting and hopefully get inspired to continue.
Pass the work that Artful Endeavors is on Face Book where you can find tips, news, links, and more.
Come join us in some fun painting and fellowship, and help us keep the rent paid. Let me hear from you or stop by and sign up for a class/es.
Thanks for the help. Liz
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Be sure to keep checking on the class schedule because my students keep changing it for me.
I'm off for a fun revitalizing weekend with my sisters. I'll be back next week ready to be creative and productive.