Saturday, January 5, 2008

Home From the Holidays

The whole month of December was like a wonderful holiday for me this year. I spent fun time with my husband and our families enjoying our two Christmas get togethers, day trips this year, which was nice since we are the ones that usually travel to the locations that are closest to our parents. We got to visit with our new niece, Maddy, again. She has grown so much even since Thanksgiving! Be sure to check out her picture on Rick's blog,

We met new friends, visited with old friends, and got to spend several days with Gail and Leon visiting us. Gail and I always like to sharing ideas and always leave each other inspired in our art. How nice to have an inspiring artsy friend. And our husbands enjoy each other. How nice is that. We even had a "pit call" (this is what we call sitting around our fire pit where we were actually able to have a fire since it had rained buckets the day before and everything was wet) and ate pizza. Yes, in December! With the outside Christmas tree lighted and near us. Fun.

Gail helped me with my new Photoshop Elements program. I had been wanting to just sit and learn to use it more. Thanks, Gail! I have a lovely new return address label and actually remember a good bit of what she showed me.

After New Year I spent some more time learning more about my new computer programs. I got to explore some of those things that I told myself that I would check out "some day".

One thing that I got to do with my new computer is reenter all of my decorative painting address book for e mails, not what I wanted to spend time doing, but my e mail list had disappeared! I wish I knew what I did to make it disappear so that I can not do it again. My computer is way too smart for me.

And I even got a little painting done. Be sure to check out the upcoming projects.

Now I'm ready to see everyone and for classes to resume. I'm just so full of ideas for our painting. Come join me!