Our seminar with Ronnie Bringle is approaching quickly. We are preparing our surfaces and looking forward to painting with Ronnie. Soon we'll have Santa in May!
Ros Stallcup's seminar sample painting have arrived! And we have a great selection this year. Please come by to see them. I have prep for our seminar participants and will have surfaces soon. We are full for this seminar and have a wait list. Let Liz know if you would like to be on the wait list.
Our seminar with Kathie George, Sept 29 & 30, is nearly full but there are a few seats left. Monday will be our batik with the Poppies and Tue we'll paint the mixed media, Crows in my garden. If you are interested in learning these exciting techniques from a wonderful artist and teacher contact Liz soon.
Liz is teaching a batik class on May 24, Sat as an introduction to Kathie's techniques. Contact Liz to register. We'll paint a fun Cat Nap, sleeping cat, from Kathie's designs.