A while back the Assistance League of the Triangle Area or ALTA asked us to paint some mirrors (seen above) that were donated to their Antiques to Zippers Thrift shop. ALTA's members do so much to help our triangle community and painting is one way we can give our assistance to them. Our painters have been working on designs for the mirrors and the first of them have started to arrive in the resale shop. Here are some of the decorated mirrors. A big improvement from their scratched and dull appearence above!
The mirrors below were painted by members of City of Oaks Decorative Painters one of our terrific Society of Decorative Painters local chapters.
ALTA is a volunteer organization dedicated to meeting the needs of our community through service, resources and financial support. They support Kid's Place at Wake Med, Operation School Bell outfitting the triangle children in need, Women in Need at The Women's Center of Wake County day shelter for women in crisis, and have a scholarship program for individuals in the Triangle. You can find out more about ALTA, and how we can help them, at altriangle.org. 100% of the tax dedctible donations remain in the Triangle commuinity.