Thursday, April 23, 2009

Artful Endeavors News

I have lots to tell you, so get a cup of tea or your preference of beverage and get comfortable.

While I was driving to the studio today all of a sudden I realized that everything is very green! Once again the earth has renewed itself and is coming forth with beautiful trees and flowers after a season of greys and browns. It's the season for us to bloom and grow also. We've been through such a very bleak season with our economy, but now it's time to look around, see the opportunities that are waiting for us, and begin to come out of our cocoons. Last weekend I visited my best friend, a business woman also, and after a couple of days of commiserating, discussing new opportunities, and then planning to implement the first of these ideas, I came home excited with all the new possibilities that have been sitting there waiting for me to notice them. Now, I hope you will watch and join me.

The first of these opportunities is already happening. I've been saying for years that I wanted to publish more, and this year I did it. I hope you are all Society of Decorative Painters members because I have 2 articles coming out in the Decoartive Painter! In the Summer issue you'll see my sailboat in the window and then in the fall you'll find the little New Dawn rose bag. Hope you enjoy the lessons.

Something else that I have wanted and needed to do is make it possible for you to pay for a class or seminar on line. You'll now find on the schedule page the option to pay for classes. I'm working on the seminar page and will soon have it operational. You can register and pay for Ros Stallcup's seminar on line.

Watch for changes to our web site also to make finding up to date class information easier. And the option to buy original art by ME. Exciting! You know you need one of my paintings.

Our summer class schedule is developing and I am arranging our classes in a manner that I hope works for our summer lives and vacations. I already have one of our classes schedule for morning and afternoon so that you can minimize driving. Look for the wonderful Ronnie Bringle Garden Fresh. You'll also find shorter one and two week classes and I'm working on more. Of course you'll find our yearly seminar with Ros Stallcup, always a treat with six brand new designs, and a special seminar with Ronnie Bringle, her Five Days in Focus, a very special opportunity for indepth study with Ronnie. You won't want to miss these special events.

With Gail's help I'm working on videos that will be available on her Creative Workshops instructional site. For those of you who have asked for on line classes from me, they are in the works! Let me know if you have requests. Be sure to check out the Shabby Cottage Studio's Creative Workshops for classes already available by some excellent mixed media artists.

Enough for now. I hope you will enjoy taking this evolving journey with me and see all the green.

Spring is God's way of saying, "One more time."

Photos by Rick Ward.