Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Increase Your Brain Power By Learning to Paint

I just read an article about the "aging brain". Although we may feel that our memories are declining, according to this article your brain doesn't even reach it's peak till between ages 40 - 68 yrs. The article continues "our brain powers up, not down, and grows in cognitive ability as we age, reorganizing itself and using more of its parts to solve problems". The key is to keep you brain exercised. Measures to staying mentally supple as we age include physical exercise (increasing oxygen to the brain), mental challenges (such as learning to paint), and social interaction. Learning new skills is highly recommended. People who are happy and have a positive self image are less likely to develop Alzheimer's and are more mentally alert according to some studies.

This just supports my beliefs that learning to paint and continuing to explore new painting challenges is good for our mental health and brain health.