Monday, January 17, 2011

START Watercolor Kitties

A note from Donna:

I am in love with the START classes. These classes give me a chance to try a different type of art without outfitting myself with all of the necessary equipment.

I would never have tried the batik in a normal class
because the class projects looked so big and complicated but last week I took the bird batik and fell in love...
The project was greeting card size and you provided all of the required equipment. Since I took the class, I am
looking forward to trying another batik class and am not
as apprehensive.... more confident... thank you

And now I have tried the watercolor and it was a pure joy... and I now have two darling kittens portrayed in watercolor and again I would not have tried this in a regular class.... It was fun and of course you made it seem so easy... and I know that it isn't

Thank you soooo very much for offering these classes... they are like portals to different worlds of art and you have provided the key to allow the student to enter..

Thank you very much!!
donna b