Important notes:
Wednesdays will look a little different as we head into spring and summer! Since we no longer have a dedicated Wed afternoon group of painters, the afternoon painting hours will becoming more flexible. This way you won’t have to choose as often between two projects, both which you would like to paint. Also some of the classes will occur from 10a-2:30p or something similar, so that we have a longer time to paint and won’t have to clean up our areas and put supplies back out as often, not to mention more driving time ($$$ Spend money on classes rather than gas$$$). You painters that can only painting in the afternoons don’t need to worry. We’ll still have time for you to paint. Just talk to me and we’ll make some plans that work good for you.
Be sure to check the schedule carefully to find the length and dates of each class. I’m looking forward to this flexibility and all the possibilities it offers us.
We have some exciting painting planned such as our still life workshop and more landscape painting, as well as my new Redbud and Sweet gum design. Remember that the students that are currently painting help us plan the schedule, so be sure you join us. I’m working on a 2-21/2month schedule at a time so we are constantly adding or editing our schedule to keep it current.
I have interest sheets on the bulletin board in the studio for you to express your interest in classes, so be sure to add your name to the lists or let me know by email which classes you plan to attend. This helps me plan ahead so that I can be ready for you. If no interest is shown for any class, we’ll change it. We want to keep the schedule fresh.
Be sure to check the schedule on line frequently for class updates. You can register by sending a check to the studio to drop by to bring your check and pick up prep. Register for classes at least a week in advance and help me have your supplies ready for you.
I depend on you to help me with spreading the word about our painting and classes. If you or a family member have a group (church, friends, children, organization, party…) who might like to plan a special class, please present the idea to them. We can do a 2 hr class, no experience needed, and just have a painting party. If you have and idea for something like this, let me know and we can share details. I appreciate all of your help in letting others know about our wonderful, artful, interests. It’ s our studio and our shared passion and we want to continue painting.
And remember the START classes, our painting parties! Just painting fun. Bring a friend and come join us.