Artful Endeavors Update
Have you missed hearing from me? I have lost use of the studio internet connection on my PC and had trouble transferring all my email info over to my laptop. I’m having to reenter all the email addresses so if you know of anyone not getting my email updates and news, please tell them to let me know. So far, I only have my current student addresses reentered.
We just finished painting the sunflower basket on Wed and I wanted to show you the beautiful paintings our students created. Lots of variety from the same design as we enjoyed painting loose.
Now our evening class has decided to paint this fun design so it you missed it in Cary or in the morning, you can paint it with us in July in our evening class.
Check the student's art page for more recent creations by our wonderfully talented students.
We had talked about having my open watercolor rose class this Sat, June 4, but there is not enough time to prepare and get the word out. We'll schedule it for a Sat later in the summer.
We are having the basic watercolor rose class starting next Wed evening and there is still time to join us.
Be sure to check the schedule for upcoming classes. I’m working on new paintings and will post photos as soon as I get them finished.
Crimson Beauty a Wed am class coming up. |
Summer is a great time to get back into classes. We are flexible with the schedules and can arrange make up time to accommodate for vacations and life happenings.
Ros Stallcup. I’m watching the door every day for Ros’ paintings to arrive. I talked to her last week and she was working on them. We still have seats available so get your reservations made.
Our seminar with Kathie George is filling. Tue is almost full and Mon and Wed are not far behind. Register now!
Check the web site for photos of the paintings that our students are creating!
Remember that our studio has ac! Come see us.
Liz Miller CDA
Artful Endeavors
200 Sawmill Rd
Suite 201
Raleigh NC 27615