Saturday, August 30, 2008

Ronnie Bringle's Season's In The Country

Next summer Ronnie Bringle is bringing her Season's In The Country seminar to Artful Endeavors in Raleigh! This is the seminar that Ronnie hosts yearly and next year she will start offering an east coast as well as a west coast seminar. She likes our studio at Artful Endeavors and we have arranged to have the seminar here. Welcome Ronnie.

She will teach the "Welcome Friends" project, her terrific still life window design, Aug 18 - 27, 2009, Tue - Sat., with prep night on Mon. the 17th. Watch for details on Ronnie's web site and get the latest information by signing up for her newsletter.

Register with Ronnie and come paint!

Holiday Painting

Yes, thats right. It's time to start our painting for the holidays if we want to have it finished in time. We've already painted a whimsical JoSonja Jansen Santa recently and are working on The Three Kings now, an elegant Ronnie Bringle design.

Here is the Peppermints, a wonderful Cheri Rol design I just finished painting, that we have scheduled on Wed evenings starting
Sept 17. Plan to join us.

Mirrors for ALTA

A while back the Assistance League of the Triangle Area or ALTA asked us to paint some mirrors (seen above) that were donated to their Antiques to Zippers Thrift shop. ALTA's members do so much to help our triangle community and painting is one way we can give our assistance to them. Our painters have been working on designs for the mirrors and the first of them have started to arrive in the resale shop. Here are some of the decorated mirrors. A big improvement from their scratched and dull appearence above!

The mirrors below were painted by members of City of Oaks Decorative Painters one of our terrific Society of Decorative Painters local chapters.

ALTA is a volunteer organization dedicated to meeting the needs of our community through service, resources and financial support. They support Kid's Place at Wake Med, Operation School Bell outfitting the triangle children in need, Women in Need at The Women's Center of Wake County day shelter for women in crisis, and have a scholarship program for individuals in the Triangle. You can find out more about ALTA, and how we can help them, at 100% of the tax dedctible donations remain in the Triangle commuinity.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Student's Blog

Have you see our new blog just for our students? On this blog you will find wonderful paintings and class photo from our talented Artful Endeavors students. We think their work is amazing and want to share it with everyone. Our students are such fine individuals as well as painters and we have a fun time as we are creating in our classes. The students attending classes, along with instructor Liz Miller CDA, plan our schedule of projects they would like to see taught. Take a look at our Students' Artful Endeavors. You can also click on the badge in our right side column to reach the page.