Monday, March 30, 2009

Jo Sonja's Harvest Fruit

I've been busy painting our new projects so that you can see what is coming up for classes starting very soon! They are turning out nice and I'm very pleased.

This coming Wed the afternoon group will start Jo Sonja's Harvest fruit. I have two sides of my meal bin painted. It's a work in progress. Here you'll see my fruits that I have completed. Jo has two packets with variations of this wonderful fruit design and we liked them both. The painters are choosing their surface and which design they would like to paint. Most of them are painting on a metal surface such as a tin meal box, vintage cake plate and cover, or old silver plate. It's really fun to paint on a different surface.

They are painting the one design with the pumpkin over the next 3 weeks. You still have time to join us.

We may have to paint the pineapple side too, a little later.

Also, I'm working on the "Country Vineyard" which the Wed evening class starts on Apr 8. Yes, that starts soon, too. Actually the piece is a old wall and stone arch using texture products and through the arch you see a scene. Our inspiration piece shows a vineyard but of course I couldn't just follow the pattern. I had to paint my own scene, the field behind our house. Love it! Rick even recognized it. I enclosing the photo of the beginning of this painting which show the field. As soon as I publish this blog, I'll get back to painting. Hope you enjoy watching this painting evolve. Here's what I have so far.

Be sure to check the schedule page since we are always adjusting our schedules!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Spring Classes at Artful Endeavors

I've just updated the schedule with our new spring classes. Be sure to check out what we'll paint this spring on the class schedule page.

Seminar with Ginger Edwards

We've just finished our yearly seminar with Ginger Edwards and we learned so much! Ginger stretched us and challenged us, and our painting skills have definitely grown. We learned different backgrounds and techniques, and the paintings turned out very nice. Thanks Ginger!

The 3 days with Ginger passed so quickly, and wetly with all the rain. It was so nice to see our painters that come in once or twice a year for seminars and spend the time with them in our nice dry studio.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Artful Origins

We've added another blog page to our site! Artful Origins. This new page is for highlights on artists, supplies, and surfaces. Sources and inspirations for our art. You'll always be able to access Artful Origins by clicking the link at the top of the left column.

Watch as this site grows and enjoy. Let me know if you find this site helpful to you over time.

Lighthouse Harbor

We're painting another delightful design from Betty Caithness of a harbor with houses and lighthouses. If you like Betty's designs you'll enjoy painting this one. Lots of wonderful houses and water. Click on the photo for a larger view.

This class starts March 18 at 10am - 12:30p as soon as we finish the Carolina Wren. To check out the wren just scroll down.

Plan to join us!

Another Snow!

What a beautiful snow yesterday. A nice day to stay inside and enjoy the warm.

I will be at the studio for class today, Tue morning. If the school delay has you delayed, just come in a little later as you can. I can extend the class time until 1:30p today if you need to arrive late. Be sure to drive carefully and don't take risks on the road.
