We are adaptable. Sometimes we just need to regoup.
To all of you who paint with us on Wed evenings, and also those who have been missing from class recently! And you daytime people too.
In our Wed. evening classes we’ve had painters out recently with illness or illness in the family or a vacation cruise (I would choose missing because of the cruise), and our schedule has lost its integrity, so…………
Here is a schedule revision that I hope works for all of us:
Next week, Apr 8 will be a makeup/open class. Those of you who missed days of this last class can come to finish up. Anyone else can come to finish a project, start one, or come sign up for the next class. That should include all of you evening folks. Please email or call to let me know that you will be here on 4/8.
We have some exciting new paintings planned.
On Apr 15 we’ll start the “Country Vineyard”. My vineyard has become the rye field behind our house. I’ve been wanting to paint it for a long time. You can paint your choice of vineyard, beach, mountains, field, or anything else you can think of. This will be a simple (big brushes with pounces and dabs), slightly misty scene that is seen though our arch, since the primary focus is on the foreground stone arch and wall with your choice of plant sitting in our pot. We’ll use different texture products for our stone, wall, and pot. Don’t wear good clothes and roll up your sleeves. Fun! I’m working on this painting now so watch for a photo soon.
You can use lots of creativity. This class will last 4 weeks.
The next class will start on May 13 and is Peggy Harris’ Ducklings. So cute! You don’t want to miss this one. It’s a two week class. Fee
Everyone has loved this design and I’ve had to add 2 more Duckling classes to accommodated everyone.
You can also catch this class on Tue evening in Cary starting May 5. Or, Apr 15 at 10am Wed morning.
Be sure to let me know which class you can attend.
Peggy painted this design on a watering can and I painted on a tin tray. You can paint on anything you like.
Plan ahead for our next class which is Paint Your Own Scene. Start looking for a photo of the scene that you would like to paint. Make it something that is special to you. I’ll help all of you and we can learn from each other too.
We’ll start on this painting about May 27. Bring you photo in to show Liz before class and make plans.
After seeing the Jo Sonja pineapple design which is part of the harvest fruit,the afternoon class has decided that they want to paint it also, so we've added it to our schedule as soon as we finish the pumpkin design. If you've been wanting to paint a cool pumpkin this one's for you.
Keep checking the schedule bog for updates and new photos!