April has been a busy month at Artful Endeavors with lots of terrific painting amid other exciting events. Get comfortable and let this newsy letter inspire you to get painting with us.
I’ve just returned from teaching a seminar for the Foothills Decorative Painters in Greenville, SC. What a terrific group of women and talented artists. I had a great time teaching, visiting, and seeing the Greenville sites. I hope they will invite me back. I have photos on my face book page.
We had a fun, full class painting bunnies and bluebirds on Apr 2. They turned out so nice. The one day week day classes seem to be popular. It’s nice to complete a project in one day.
Tue morning class has recently done batik and theorem stenciling, both fun techniques. Tom has finished his Home Place painting. You can see it as well as other excellent paintings by our students on the student blog.
Our seminar with Ginger Edwards starts this Friday and we’re looking forward to a fun weekend of learning from Ginger and hearing her always adventurous stories. We still have some seats if you have discovered that you are available. Our projects this year are especially beautiful.
Ros’ paintings are at the studio! And they are wonderful and different than our usual Ros Stallcup projects. Her style keeps evolving. Registration is open and available on line, at the studio, or by mail. Photos of the projects are on our seminar page so get your Oooooooooos and Ahhhhhhhhhhs ready and look.
I’ve had requests to teach my Butterfly Batik and we have scheduled a one day class for Thurs, May 13th, 10a-4p. Fee is $54 which includes paints, supplies, and rice paper. We’d love for you to join us.
We’re working on the schedule and planning our summer classes. We need your assistance to plan classes that you would like, so be sure to drop by the studio and vote. We have some interesting ideas, including some original designs for me. I need to get to designing and painting!
My latest on line class at Creative Workshops, Mastering the Decorative Painting Basics: Side Loading and Floating, starts May 3. This class is a great video for any of you who would like to learn or improve their side loading, a technique that we use most every painting. It’s a good reminder of good technique that works and makes painting easier. Registration is open and when you are registered for the class, you have 24/7 access. You can view the video as many times as you would like, rewind, repeat, stop and restart, and break it up in short segments to fit your schedule.
The first video in this series, MDPB: Basecoating and Strokework is also available and includes lots of valuable information about preparation and brush control.
On Sat, Apr 15th I’m teaching a Cat’s Eyes necklace at the Heart of Carolina Tolers meeting in Durham. We’d love for you to visit if you aren’t already a chapter member. Just let me know that you would like to attend and I’ll have more info for you. And I’ll see you chapter members there. I’ll post the photo later.
The Society’s annual meeting starts May 18th. I’m sorry that I won’t be able to attend this year. It’s so much fun to see old friends, peruse the trade show, take classes, and generally get inspired. Maybe next year. Those of you who attend this year will have to tell me all about it.
We’ve been having fun with our class paintings. The dragon files and embedded stencil background have been just as much fun as mud pies. And the still lifes (lives?) have turned out beautiful. We have more exciting projects come up and then we’ll be into our summer schedule.
Please help me out by letting me know if you would like more 1 day classes, full day classes, or our weekly classes for the summer.
Are you interested in more week end/Sat classes?
Are you interested in a 2 day portrait class?
More Watercolor classes?
Be sure to check out the new classes added to our schedule.