Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Landscape Journal

We're in the midst of a landscape class where each student has brought a photo of a landscape that they wanted to paint. I though it would be fun to post their thoughts as they progress through this class.

  Each painting is different. We have learned about painting techniques for creating our common elements such as sky, water, grass. . . . and talked about painting theory such as perspective, value changes . . . . Now the students are working on the individualized elements in their paintings creating such wonderful art.

Here are some of their thoughts as we progress. I'll post more as I receive emails from them.

I really learned so much in class on Wednesday……you have a wonderful gift for teaching and making learning fun while challenging us to achieve our own potential.
Thank you for sharing your wonderful gift with us. Verna Foster

I'll have to admit I was a bit nervous about taking the landscape class.  I liked the security of step - by -step instructions you gave when everyone was working on the same thing.  Now with everyone in class doing something different, and more generalized instruction, we have to think more for ourselves.  This has allowed me room to grow as an artist. It builds confidence and I can ALWAYS count on you to fix something I mess up!  Now, I'll go back to painting my mountains.........Amy B

Here is an in-progress photo from our 6 hr class today. The painting are looking awesome!

This landscape painting class has been a challenge, but ultimately a good growth experience.  One of the best parts is the encouragement of the other painters who see a talent in your work that you don’t really believe is there.  Liz can make the theory of painting come alive at the end of her student artist’s brushes.   I recommend this type of class to anyone who paints.  The  still life class will  be another opportunity for growth.  Thank you, Liz.   Dianne Wooldridge

More later.